Tuesday, February 18, 2020

An Experience Demonstrating the Leadership Essay

An Experience Demonstrating the Leadership - Essay Example My friend died three years ago. He was not my closest friend. He was not a genius. He was not an extraordinary person whose very absence resonates through the universe. Nor was he a person who was important to me during his life. He was an ordinary boy who left no mark on this good earth. He died in an accident, and is missed by his family and friends just like any other person would be. And yet his death left its impact on me.  He was, in every sense of the word, ordinary. When I saw his sister at the funeral, however, I realized how unordinary he had been. She was a complete wreck. Her whole body was convulsing from the sheer weight of her pain. I realized that day that we spend our entire lives being â€Å"ordinary† and yet there is always that one soul which forgets how to survive without us. And we never realize it. It’s a remarkable thing, to touch people so and be touched by them thusly. I decided then that I would stop living ordinary, and embrace extraordinar y.  By extraordinary I only mean that which is not routine, which taxes my efforts. The challenge has been the discovery of my path, and how I struggle each day to remain on it. It’s hard, not succumbing to ordinary. Only two weeks ago I had to force myself not to do what I would have done in my past. My family disapproves of my sister’s marriage. They hadn’t spoken in months. It was her second anniversary two weeks ago and I had two options; either to continue as I’ve been or to do something about it. I decided on the latter. I spoke with my parents about throwing a surprise party for her. Speaking proved to be entirely useless. I then spend a good part of an entire two days persuading them, blackmailing them, trying to coerce them. Nothing worked.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Abortion Should Be Illegal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Abortion Should Be Illegal - Essay Example A woman's body is her personal sanctum. Once that sanctum is violated by a brutal act of sexual intercourse, the woman should have every right to â€Å"deal† with any problems arising from that encounter. Let's call it what it is, women should have the right to an abortion when she is raped. The modern day woman also fights for her right to control her body, rather than having a cultist sect or government control what she can and cannot do with her body. There are even a greater number of reasons that a sector of women in today's society support a woman's right to have legalized abortion. It is disturbing how all of the attention when it comes to abortion is cast solely upon the rights of women and what they believe to be their rights to their body. But what about the unborn child? The unborn child also has rights of his own. The minute he is conceived, the woman's body becomes his inner sanctum as much as his mother's. Why would a woman, even if she is impregnated by abusive sexual behavior, be willing to kill an innocent child who has yet to see the good that this world has to offer, even though his entry into it would be under less that acceptable circumstances? A child has the right to life and no woman, no mother to an unborn child, has the right to dictate who will and who won't be able to live the life that the universe has offered him. It is therefore my stand that this paper shall present evidence to prove the reasons as to why abortion should remain an illegal and criminal act. Let me start off this paper by immediately presenting the counter argument to my stance. Although there are a number of highly valid reasons to consider leaving the act of abortion an illegal activity, there are still a number of people who would rather have abortion declared legal. One of the reasons that a person would support abortion has to do with the existence of back-alley abortion clinics that do the procedures in a less than sanitized environment. Due to the lac k of government supervision, the woman puts her own health and life at risk when she goes to one of these clinics to have the fetus taken out. Government regulation would make the practice of abortion regulated and force the abortion doctors to adhere to a higher standard of practice than they currently have. As such the cost of abortions could also be lowered or, even better, the procedure might even be covered by health insurance under specific situations. If the unborn child is to enter this world under less than acceptable circumstances, as in the case of rape or incest, or any scenario wherein the child would be forced to live a life shunned by his mother and her family, then it would be in the best interest of that child to not be born at all. The abortion supporters say that babies born under violent sex circumstances do not feel the love of a parent growing up and therefore becomes a part of the criminal problem of our society. Rather than creating new state wards or problem s for the state, it would be in the child's best interest to never make an entry into our world. The aforementioned arguments are some of the most common that ends up being used by pro-abortionists. However, the most compelling argument that they use asks people to become de-sensitized to the act of abortion and consider the fetus nothing more than a lump of flesh or blood, a cyst if you will, in the body of a woman since there is no heartbeat in the fetus due to an undeveloped heart for a number of weeks. Thus having an abortion within that time frame does not make it murder since there is no heartbeat existing that would change the classification of the child from fetus to unborn child (â€Å"Should Abortion Be Banned (Except in Special Circumstances